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1) pleasing to taste or smell

2) extremely pleasing to the senses, divine or delicious

3) 特别美味的:something extremely pleasing to taste or smell

ambrosial unsavory

ambrosial : taste

ambrosial : food

【例】The ambrosial aroma of the roast stimulated our appetites.

【近】savory, aromal, aromatic, perfumed, redolent, odorous

【反】fetid, noisome, stenchy, malodorous, rancid



1) unwilling to be pacified or appeased

2) unable to be calmed down or made peaceful

Synonyms: inflexible, merciless, relentless, uncompromising, unyielding

Although the team had been eliminated from contention in the playoffs, it proved to be an implacable opponent.

The baby was so implacable a warm bottle would not settle her.

The two year old was an implacable child; he cried no matter what his parents did to comfort him.

【考法1】adj. 固执的: sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of action in spite of reason, arguments, or   persuasion

【近】 adamant, dogged, headstrong, intransigent, mulish, obdurate, pertinacious, stubborn, unyielding

【反】 acquiescent 倾向于默认的;compliant, flexible, pliable, pliant, yielding 易受影响的

【考法2】adj. 无法平息的: not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or mitigated

【例】 an implacable enemy 无法与之和解的敌人




tractable: 易驾驭的; easily led, trained, or controlled; easily handled; malleable

1) easily controlled or guided

2) easily managed

3) easily managed

Syn: docile, submissive, yielding; malleable

tractable difficult to control, incorrigible, obdurate, headstrong, obstinate, balky, willfull, pertinacious, intransigent

complaisance : intractable

tractable : lead

tractable : controlled

tame : tractable

tractable : control

He has a tractable dog that learns tricks easily.

The boat was so lightweight it was tractable by one person.

Having a tractable staff made her job a lot easier.


tractable insubordinate=intransigent=recalcitrant

complaisance : intractable = adeptness : maladroit 柔顺不是倔强的=老练不是笨拙的



Ubiquitous: 到处存在的; existing everywhere at once

1) omnipresent; present everywhere

2) existing everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered; widespread

相近词汇:omnipresent, pervasive, widespread

ubiquitous rarely encountered 到处都是的.很少遭遇的

ubiquitous unique

ubiquitous : PLACE = perpetuity : time 无所不在的:地方=永恒:时间

ubiquitous: existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered


A) uniform

B) unanimous

C) unique

D) anachronistic

E) mediocre

That hit song was ubiquitous all summer long: I heard it at the beach, at the grocery store, waiting on line at the deli, and on the radio just about every time I turned it on.

A ubiquitous spirit followed the man wherever he went.

Water may seem ubiquitous, until a drought comes along.

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